Dixon O'Hair || ITIS3135

Website Evaluations

Craigslist for Charlotte

Craigslist for Charlotte is an online marketplace for local sellers and buyers. People can post almost anything they want to sale. It is a terrible webpage when evaluated against the CRAP principles.

  • Contrast
    • Each clickable link is blue which makes it easy to make a selection.
    • Each Section is inside a darker gray box which makes it easy to separate sections.
    • The colors used on this webpage are plain and boring.
    • It appears to not be a legitament webpage due to the lack of color and design.
  • Repetition
    • The webpage continues the trend of blue clickable links throughout the page
    • It remains plain and boring as you go through the clickable links.
  • Alignment
    • The allignment of this webpage is crowded. There is not much space between columns.
    • Job postings are all left aligned which makes it too crowded with too much white space.
  • Proximity
    • Product Listings on this webpage are very crowded.
    • These pages have very little separation for the reader to instantly recognize sections.


Apple.com is the webpage for the technology company, Apple. It is where current and potential apple users go to buy products and read the latest news regarding the company. Apple.com is a well made webpage when evaluated against the CRAP principles.

  • Contrast
    • Apple.com does a good job at separating each new section on the homepage using black and white.
    • They stick with black and white backgrounds to make the products on the page pop.
    • Annimations are also used with this black and white theme to bring life to the page and products.
  • Repetition
    • The webpage stays consistent with the black and white theme throughout their specific product pages.
    • The titles, fonts, and sections are consistent throughout which allows users to easily navigate between pages.
  • Alignment
    • There is no wasted white space.
    • The important information covers the length of the page, while the less important information shares sections that span the width of the page.
  • Proximity
    • Titles, images, and desciptions are all grouped together in relation to the contrast.
    • The visual of each section is easily identifiable due to the proximity.